Simple Touch Sensor

The human body can affect the performance of electronic circuits, this is because the human body has the ions are electrically charged, although extremely small. Electrically charged ions in the human body can be used to create a series of sensors that work if the human body parts will be active is a series of touch sensors.

This touch sensor circuit utilizing a monostable circuit as an active barrier rangakianload. This monostable circuit using IC 555 as the heart and using a combination of C1 and the activation of VR1 as a determinant of the length of the load circuit. This time I use an alarm circuit as an expense. Alarm circuit will be active at the time of the touch plate is touched by the human body and will die automatically during the timethat we set with his monostable circuit.

If there are any problems during the manufacture of sensors are not sensitive or even too sensitive you can change the value of R1. This chain is suitable for trap thieves.You can connect a touch sensor input circuit with the door handle or a trellis made ​​ofmetal or other parts of your home which will approximately be touched by the thief at the time trying to break into your house ... xixixi

If you want to create a series of other sensors for the purpose of holding an active load for a certain time, you can use IC monostable circuit 555. Or you can use filp-flop IC as a drag on the load with a single trigger signal. Essentially any type of circuit you are using an active circuit can with stand a load even if the input signal has changed back. In a series of touch sensor this time I use the monostable circuit IC 555 in order to set the length of time the alarm will be activated.

Simple Bell

There is an electronic circuit is very simple and easy to make, this series is a series of bells that you can apply to many things such as a bicycle bell, bell door /gate, the bell on the bus, toys, or various kinds of you creations.

Fire Sensor

Pictured above is a circuit of fire sensor image uses electronic components namely LDR sensor. Potentiometer 100 Kohm serves as a voltage divider with LDR sensors that will be fed to the IC.

If the LDR detects a fire, the speakers will sound. The fire sensor circuit is very suitable to be placed in the Hotel, Mall, Office, and others. Very simple right.

Simple Mosquito Repellent

This is a diagram circuit of ultrasonic mosquito repellent. The series is based on the theory that insects such as mosquitoes can be expelled by use of ultrasonic sound frequency above 20 Khz. This circuit uses a CMOS 4047 IC PLL as a frequency oscillator that working at 22KHz. A complementary symmetry amplifier consisting of four transistors is used to amplify the sound. Speaker piezo buzzer / buzzer to convert the output of the amplifier that produces an ultrasonic sound that can be heard by mosquitoes.

IC CD4047B capable of operating either in monostable or astable mode. It requiresan external capacitor (between pins 1 and 3) and an external resistor (between pins 2and 3) to determine the output pulse width in the monostable mode, and frequency output in the astable mode. Astable operation is activated by high levels of low input level. Frequency output is determined by the Q1 and it can be triggered Q2. Repeated device by applying a simultaneous transition from low to high both a trigger and retrigger inputs. High level on Reset input to low output Q1, Q2 to high. Here's the layout of IC CD4047 :

Emergency Lamp with IC 555

Emergency lamp with IC 555 is one solution for lighting during power outages. This circuit uses 12 v DC voltage source that can be supplied from the 12 v battery. The circuit is very simple and easy to make because all the components easily available in the market. This circuit can turn on the 5W-10W lamp. The circuit is built with a multivibrator stabilizer with IC 555 that is used to drive the transformer through Q1. For more details can be viewed directly from the image below :

Work frequency range of Emergency Lamp with IC 555 is determined from the configuration of R1, R2 and C2. T1 in this series is a 10V 500 mA transformer. Secondary part (0-10V) is connected to the Q1 to be given the signal from the multivibrator. Then the primary (0-220V) is connected to the lamp.