The human body can affect the performance of electronic circuits, this is because the human body has the ions are electrically charged, although extremely small. Electrically charged ions in the human body can be used to create a series of sensors that work if the human body parts will be active is a series of touch sensors.
The human body can affect the performance of electronic circuits, this is because the human body has the ions are electrically charged, although extremely small. Electrically charged ions in the human body can be used to create a series of sensors that work if the human body parts will be active is a series of touch sensors.
This touch sensor circuit utilizing a monostable circuit as an active barrier rangakianload. This monostable circuit using IC 555 as the heart and using a combination of C1 and the activation of VR1 as a determinant of the length of the load circuit. This time I use an alarm circuit as an expense. Alarm circuit will be active at the time of the touch plate is touched by the human body and will die automatically during the timethat we set with his monostable circuit.
If there are any problems during the manufacture of sensors are not sensitive or even too sensitive you can change the value of R1. This chain is suitable for trap thieves.You can connect a touch sensor input circuit with the door handle or a trellis made ofmetal or other parts of your home which will approximately be touched by the thief at the time trying to break into your house ... xixixi
If you want to create a series of other sensors for the purpose of holding an active load for a certain time, you can use IC monostable circuit 555. Or you can use filp-flop IC as a drag on the load with a single trigger signal. Essentially any type of circuit you are using an active circuit can with stand a load even if the input signal has changed back. In a series of touch sensor this time I use the monostable circuit IC 555 in order to set the length of time the alarm will be activated.