There is an electronic circuit is very simple and easy to make, this series is a series of bells that you can apply to many things such as a bicycle bell, bell door /gate, the bell on the bus, toys, or various kinds of you creations.
There is an electronic circuit is very simple and easy to make, this series is a series of bells that you can apply to many things such as a bicycle bell, bell door /gate, the bell on the bus, toys, or various kinds of you creations.

List components :
Resistor :
R1 ………………. 27 k
R2 ………………. 68 k
Kapasitor :
C1 ……………….. 100 mikro F/12V
C2 ……………….. 0,02 mikro F
C3 ……………….. 50 mikro F/12V
Transistor :
TR1 ……………….. 2N 554
TR1 ……………….. 2N 554
Speaker …………………………… 2 inchi
Rangkaian elektronik di atas sangat sederhana dan mudah untuk dibuat, rangkaian ini merupakan rangkaian bel yang dapat anda terapkan untuk banyak hal seperti bel sepeda, bel pintu, bel gerbang, bel di bus, mainan, atau berbagai jenis kreasi anda.
asik nih bisa dijadikan order mainan anak...thanks mas bro
April 18, 2011 at 10:27 AMbuat yang mau download film gratis silahkan kunjungi juga http://www.jusmeloncommunity.co.cc
April 18, 2011 at 10:29 AMPunya rangkaian bel seperti di stasiun kereta? kalau ada tolong diupload / kiraim ke deyusro@yahoo.co.id.
Yang AC dan/atau DC
Terma kasih
May 14, 2011 at 4:45 PM