The series of guitar effects that will we make is very simple. IC UM3561 to producefour different sound effects, the output at Pin 3 will be amplified by transistor 2N2222. Both 4-way switchs will control the sound effects. Position 1 (as drawn) into police siren, position 2 is the sound of fire trucks, ambulances and position 3 is 4 is the effect of machine guns. This is following circuit schemes :
The series of guitar effects that will we make is very simple. IC UM3561 to producefour different sound effects, the output at Pin 3 will be amplified by transistor 2N2222. Both 4-way switchs will control the sound effects. Position 1 (as drawn) into police siren, position 2 is the sound of fire trucks, ambulances and position 3 is 4 is the effect of machine guns. This is following circuit schemes :

Rangkaian elektronika yang akan kita buat di atas adalah rangkaian efek gitar sederhana. IC UM3561 untuk menghasilkan empat efek suara yang berbeda, output pada pin 3 akan diperkuat oleh transistor 2N2222. Kedua switchs 4-arah akan mengontrol efek suara. Posisi 1 (seperti ditarik) ke sirene polisi, posisi 2 adalah suara mobil pemadam kebakaran, posisi 3 adalah ambulans, dan posisi 4 adalah efek dari senapan mesin. Skema dan daftar komponennya dapat dilihat pada gambar di atas.
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