Monostable multivibrator circuit IC 555 is a pulse generator circuit which pulse duration is determined by the RC that is connected to the IC timer 555. In the vibrator, one output will be stable for another quasi-stable (unstable). To trigger the automatic output of a quasi-stable state to stable state deposited by an external capacitor that is connected to a reference level. The time needed depends on the pulse width in storage. Output transition from stable state to a quasi-stable state is triggered by external factors.
The capacitor C should be free through the barriers of RA. RAC constant time constant is bigger, longer time required for the capacitor voltage to reach 2 to 3 VCC. In the other words, the time constant RC of the output pulse width control. Pulse width of the circuit can range from micro-seconds to many seconds. This circuit is widely used in industry for diverse of time circuits.
Monostable multivibrator circuit IC 555 is a pulse generator circuit which pulse duration is determined by the RC that is connected to the IC timer 555. In the vibrator, one output will be stable for another quasi-stable (unstable). To trigger the automatic output of a quasi-stable state to stable state deposited by an external capacitor that is connected to a reference level. The time needed depends on the pulse width in storage. Output transition from stable state to a quasi-stable state is triggered by external factors.
The capacitor C should be free through the barriers of RA. RAC constant time constant is bigger, longer time required for the capacitor voltage to reach 2 to 3 VCC. In the other words, the time constant RC of the output pulse width control. Pulse width of the circuit can range from micro-seconds to many seconds. This circuit is widely used in industry for diverse of time circuits.

Rangkaian elektronika diatas adalah rangkaian multivibrator monostable dengan IC 555 yang merupakan rangkaian pembangkit pulsa yang durasi pulsanya ditentukan oleh RC yang terhubung ke IC timer 555. Dalam vibrator, satu output akan stabil untuk kuasi stabil yang lain (tidak stabil). Untuk memicu output otomatis sebuah keadaan quasi-stabil untuk kondisi stabil disimpan oleh sebuah kapasitor eksternal yang terhubung ke tingkat referensi. Waktu yang dibutuhkan tergantung pada lebar pulsa dalam penyimpanan. Output transisi dari kondisi stabil ke keadaan kuasi-stabil dipicu oleh faktor eksternal.
Kapasitor C harus bebas melalui hambatan RA. Waktu konstan RAC lebih besar terhadap lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk tegangan kapasitor untuk mencapai 2 sampai 3 VCC. Dalam kata lain, waktu konstan RC pengendalian lebar output pulsa. Lebar pulsa rangkaian dapat berkisar dari mikro-detik ke detik yg lebih banyak. Sirkuit ini banyak digunakan dalam industri untuk beragam rangkaian waktu.
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