This charger will charge any 12V lead acid battery including flooded, gel and AGM. It is fully automatic and will charge at a rate up to about 4A until the battery voltage reaches a preset point at which it will switch to a very low current float charge. If the battery voltage drops again the charger will begin charging until the voltage once again reaches the cut off point. In this way it can be left connected to a battery indefinitely to maintain full charge without causing damage. An LED indicates when the battery is fully charged. R2 will have to be adjusted to set the proper finish charge voltage. Flooded and gel batteries are generally charged to 13.8V. If you are cycling the battery (AGM or gel) then 14.5V to 14.9V is generally recommended by battery manufacturers.
This charger will charge any 12V lead acid battery including flooded, gel and AGM. It is fully automatic and will charge at a rate up to about 4A until the battery voltage reaches a preset point at which it will switch to a very low current float charge. If the battery voltage drops again the charger will begin charging until the voltage once again reaches the cut off point. In this way it can be left connected to a battery indefinitely to maintain full charge without causing damage. An LED indicates when the battery is fully charged. R2 will have to be adjusted to set the proper finish charge voltage. Flooded and gel batteries are generally charged to 13.8V. If you are cycling the battery (AGM or gel) then 14.5V to 14.9V is generally recommended by battery manufacturers.
To set up the charger, set the pot to midway, turn on the charger and then connect a battery to it's output. Monitor the charge with a voltmeter until the battery reaches the proper end voltage and then adjust the pot until the LED glows steadily. The charger has now been set. To charge multiple battery types you can mount the pot on the front of the case and have each position marked for the appropriate voltage. Q1 will need a heatsink. If the circuit is mounted in a case then a small fan might be necessary and can generally be powered right off the output of D1. T1 is a transformer with a primary voltage appropriate to your location (120V, 220V, etc.) and a secondary around 12V. Using a higher voltage secondary (16V-18V) will allow you to charge 16V batteries sometimes used in racing applications. If the circuit is powered off, the battery should be disconnected from it's output otherwise the circuit will drain the battery slowly.

List component :
R1, R3 2 330 Ohm 1/4W Resistor
R1, R3 2 330 Ohm 1/4W Resistor
R2 1 100 Ohm 1/4W Pot
R4, R5, R7, R8 4 82 Ohm 2W Resistor
R6 1 100 Ohm 1/4W Resistor
R9 1 1K 1/4W Resistor
C1 1 220uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
D1 1 P600 Diode (50 V 5 A Diode or bigger)
D2 1 1N4004 Diode or 1N4002, 1N4007
D3 1 5.6V Zener Diode
D4 1 LED (Red, Green, atau Yellow)
Q1 1 BT136 TRIAC
Q2 1 BRX49 SCR
T1 1 12V 4A Transformer
F1 1 3A Fuse
S1 1 SPST Switch, 120VAC 5A
Rangkaian elektronika ini akan mengisi setiap aki 12v termasuk aki basah, gel dan AGM. Hal ini sepenuhnya otomatis dan akan mengisi pada kisaran 4A sampai tegangan baterai mencapai titik preset di mana ia akan beralih ke aliran tegangan yang sangat rendah saat ini. Jika tegangan baterai turun kembali, pengisi daya akan mulai mengisi daya sampai tegangan sekali lagi mencapai point cut off. Dengan cara ini aki bisa dibiarkan tetap terhubungkan untuk mempertahankan tetap penuh tanpa menyebabkan kerusakan. Sebuah LED menunjukkan bila baterai terisi penuh. R2 harus disesuaikan untuk mengatur tegangan cut off yang tepat. Aki basah dan gel umumnya dibebankan pada 13,8v. Pada umumnya tegangan rekomendasi sudah tercantum pada body aki oleh produsen.
Untuk mengatur pengisi daya, set potensio ke tengah, hidupkan pengisi dan kemudian hubungkan baterai ke output itu. Amati proses pengisian dengan voltmeter hingga aki mencapai voltase yang diinginkan dan kemudian sesuaikan potensio sampai LED menyala, charger sekarang telah ditetapkan. Untuk mengisi daya beberapa jenis aki anda bisa melakukan mount potensio di awal pengisian tersebut dan catat posisi masing-masing untuk tegangan yang sesuai untuk masing-masing jenis aki. Q1 harus diberi heatsink. Jika rangkaian dipasang dalam casing, maka kipas angin kecil mungkin diperlukan dan secara umum dapat diaktifkan langsung dari keluaran D1. T1 adalah transformator dengan tegangan primer sesuai dengan lokasi anda (, 120V 220V, dll) dan sekundernya sekitar 12V. Menggunakan lebih tinggi tegangan sekunder (16V-18V) akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengisi baterai 16V yg digunakan dalam aki balap. Jika rangkaian dimatikan, baterai harus dilepas dari rangkaian karna akan menguras aki secara perlahan.
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