This circuit is very effective to test remote is working or not, the remote that can be tested only remotely using infrared such as air conditioning, television, and others. It works is very simple circuit, when the infrared sensors receive signals from the pin 2 sensor will generate a voltage, this voltage will lead the PNP transistor so that the LED lights and disc piezo (BUZZER) will be active.
This circuit is very effective to test remote is working or not, the remote that can be tested only remotely using infrared such as air conditioning, television, and others. It works is very simple circuit, when the infrared sensors receive signals from the pin 2 sensor will generate a voltage, this voltage will lead the PNP transistor so that the LED lights and disc piezo (BUZZER) will be active.

List component :
Transistor BC557
R sensor module = TSOP 1738 Sensor Infra Red
R1 = 10k ohm ¼ watt Resistor
R2 = 1k ohm ¼ watt Resistor
R3 = 1k ohm ¼ watt Resistor
BZ = piezo disk (BUZZER)
Rangkaian elektronika di atas sangat efektif untuk menguji remote bekerja atau tidak, remote yang dapat diuji hanya remote yang menggunakan inframerah seperti AC, televisi, dan lain-lain. Kerja sirkuitnya sangat sederhana, ketika sensor inframerah menerima sinyal dari sensor, 2 pin akan menghasilkan tegangan, tegangan ini akan mengarahkan transistor PNP sehingga lampu LED menyala dan piezo disc (BUZZER) akan aktif.
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