This is one series that can be used to regulate speed DC12V motor with PWM technique. Series Variable Speed Motor DC Controller 12V uses a 555 timer IC as a PWM pulse generator to regulate the motor speed DC12 Volt. DC motor speed control process performed by adjusting thepotentiometer R1 lever which in principle is set High and Low pulse width of the PWM pulse. For more details can be seen from a series of Variable Speed DC MotorController 12V follows.
This is one series that can be used to regulate speed DC12V motor with PWM technique. Series Variable Speed Motor DC Controller 12V uses a 555 timer IC as a PWM pulse generator to regulate the motor speed DC12 Volt. DC motor speed control process performed by adjusting thepotentiometer R1 lever which in principle is set High and Low pulse width of the PWM pulse. For more details can be seen from a series of Variable Speed DC MotorController 12V follows.
Series Variable Speed DC Motor Controller 12V above the power MOSFET drivers in the form of a IRFZ46N that directly associated with DC motors. Working voltage of this circuit can be adjusted according to needs-driven DC motor, this circuit can work from 3 to 18VDC.

Rangkaian elektronika ini adalah salah satu rangkaian yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatur kecepatan motor DC12V dengan teknik PWM. Rangkaian Variable Speed Motor Controller DC 12V menggunakan timer IC 555 sebagai pembangkit pulsa PWM untuk mengatur kecepatan motor DC12 Volt. Proses pengendalian kecepatan dilakukandengan mengatur potentiometer R1 yang pada prinsipnya diatur Tinggi dan Rendah lebar pulsa dari pulsa PWM. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari serangkaian Variable Speed 12V DC MotorController di atas.
Rangkaian Variable Speed Motor Controller 12V DC di atas mengatur daya dalam IRFZ46N yang secara langsung berhubungan dengan motor DC. Tegangan kerja rangkaian ini dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan motor DC-driven, sirkuit ini dapat bekerja dari 3 sampai 18vdc.
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