Rain Detector Using 555 is a simple alarm that can be used to find out it was raining. Rain Detector Using In principle this is an astable multivibrator 555 which is prepared by IC555 with a sensor attached that can detect water. Astable multivibrator with the555 is set in the audio frequency with a frequency of 1 KHz. Using Rain Detectorcircuit 555 can be disupplay with voltage source that is free enough from 5-15 VDC. In the application circuit Rain Detector Using this 555 can be mounted motor, car or other object that we want to protect from rain.
Water sensor used in the circuit 555 Rain Detector Using this we can make yourself degan a PCB that we make the path as shown in the image above or as disclosed from the image above is by using aluminum foil taped to a board or boards that areplastic insulator . The important principle of this sensor is to conduct electrical current very well when the surface is exposed to water even a little.
Rain Detector Using 555 is a simple alarm that can be used to find out it was raining. Rain Detector Using In principle this is an astable multivibrator 555 which is prepared by IC555 with a sensor attached that can detect water. Astable multivibrator with the555 is set in the audio frequency with a frequency of 1 KHz. Using Rain Detectorcircuit 555 can be disupplay with voltage source that is free enough from 5-15 VDC. In the application circuit Rain Detector Using this 555 can be mounted motor, car or other object that we want to protect from rain.
Water sensor used in the circuit 555 Rain Detector Using this we can make yourself degan a PCB that we make the path as shown in the image above or as disclosed from the image above is by using aluminum foil taped to a board or boards that areplastic insulator . The important principle of this sensor is to conduct electrical current very well when the surface is exposed to water even a little.

Rangkaian elektronika di atas adalah rangkaian detektor hujan menggunakan IC555, ini adalah sebuah alarm sederhana yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui jika sedang hujan. Detektor hujan ini menggunakan prinsip multivibrator astabil 555 yang disiapkan oleh IC555 dengan sensor terpasang yang dapat mendeteksi air. Multivibrator astabil dengan 555 diatur pada frekuensi audio dengan frekuensi 1 KHz. Rangkaian dapat disupplay dengan sumber tegangan 5-15 vdc. Rangkaian detektor hujan dapat dipasang pada rumah atau gedung.
Sensor air yang digunakan pada rangkaian ini kita dapat buat sendiri dengan sebuah PCB yang kita buat jalur seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas atau seperti yang diungkapkan dari gambar di atas adalah dengan menggunakan aluminium foil ditempelkan pada papan. Prinsip penting dari sensor ini adalah untuk mendeteksi hubungan antar jalur yang baik ketika permukaan terkena air bahkan sedikit.
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